Terms Beginning with S

  1. Sale and leaseback

    A transaction in which an owner sells their renovated...

  2. Sales contract

    A legal document that specifies all of the terms and...

  3. Salesperson

    A person who engages in real estate activities while working...

  4. Satisfaction

    A piece of paper that states that a debt has been paid in...

  5. Secondary mortgage market

    A market for the acquisition and selling of existing...

  6. Section

    A section of a township that was surveyed using the...

  7. Self-proving will

    A will in which the witnesses deliver their evidence at the...

  8. Separate property

    The land or other real estate that both the husband and wife...

  9. Servient tenement

    The property on which an easement has been granted in favor...

  10. Setback

    The minimum amount of distance that must exist between a lot...

  11. Severalty

    One person's ownership of a whole piece of real estate;...

  12. Short sale

    A sale of secured property that results in less money than...

  13. Situs

    The subjective preference of individuals for one area of...

  14. Sovereignty of the soil

    The commencement of the record of ownership of land, which...

  15. Special assessment

    A tax or charge that is traditionally applied on just those...

  16. Special warranty deed

    A deed in which the grantor warrants or guarantees the title...

  17. Specific lien

    A lien that is solely applicable to one particular tract of...

  18. Specific performance suit

    A kind of legal action that may be taken in certain...

  19. Specific performance

    Specific performance clauses ensure that all parties...

  20. Sponsoring broker

    A real estate broker that has all of their licenses in order...

  21. Squatter’s rights

    Those rights which were obtained by means of hostile...

  22. Statute of frauds

    The provision of a state law that stipulates that certain...

  23. Statute of limitations

    The statute of limitations is the legal limit placed on the...

  24. Statutory lien

    A lien that is placed on property by legislation, such as a...

  25. Steering

    The unethical activity of steering people looking for homes...

  26. Stigmatized property

    A piece of real estate that some people consider to be...

  27. Straight-line method

    A technique of computing depreciation for the purposes of...

  28. Subagency

    An agent may often engage a subagent to assist the agent in...

  29. Subdivision

    A parcel of property that has been subdivided by the owner,...

  30. Subletting

    The act of a lessee subletting a portion of their space to a...

  31. Subordination agreement

    An agreement between two creditors that reorders the...

  32. Subordination

    A move to a lower position, often with regard to a right or...

  33. Subrogation

    The process of exchanging one creditor for another, with the...

  34. Substitution

    An appraisal theory that states that the maximum value of a...

  35. Suit for possession

    A legal proceeding that is brought by a landlord against a...

  36. Suit for specific performance

    A judicial proceeding that may be initiated by either a...

  37. Suit to quiet title

    A legal proceeding that aims to establish or resolve the...

  38. Summation appraisal

    A method of determining value in which the estimated worth...

  39. Supply

    The quantity of an item or service that may be purchased on...

  40. Surety bond

    An arrangement made by an insurance or bonding business in...

  41. Survey

    The process of measuring boundaries and determining land...

  42. Syndicate

    A group consisting of two or more individuals or companies...